Friday, April 2, 2010

Kamus Lucu Bahasa Jawa-Inggris

  1. Yes mother dont do that: ..YO MBOK OJO NGONO..!
  2. Your head: ..ENDAS MU
  3. Your eyes: MATAMU....
  4. Your bald head: GUNDUL MU !!
  5. Your knees falling down: Dengkulmu anjlog !!
  6. Your bellybutton on fire: Udhelmu kobong !!
  7. Your auntie's money: duwite mbokde mu tah ?
  8. Your grandfather money: Duwite mBahmu !!
  9. Your auntie teach you about that ?: mbokdemu sing ngajari yoo??
  10. Your mother goalkeeper: makmu kiper ...
  11. Like that yes like that but don't be likethat :ngono yo ngono ning ojo ngono
  12. My body is not delicious today : awak ku lagi gak enak.
  13. Your face far away : raimu adoh
  14. Your grandmother mortal somersault in the air : mBahmu Salto

Kata2 tambahan terpopuler :
  1. Your bellybutton turn up : udelmu bodong
  2. Your head smell gum benzoin : nDhasmu mambu menyan
  3. Cricket !!! : jangkrik
  4. Your head was blown : ndasmu njeblug
  5. Your eyes blind : matamu picak
  6. Wanna eat your head : Tak kletak ndasmu !
  7. Your kitchen : dapuran mu

Ditambahan lagi :
1. Don't play judge alone : ojo main hakim dewe
2. Soft creature : memedi
3.Your crazy doesn't play : kowe edan tenan

Berdasar Koment ( Lebih komplet bin lebih lucu...)
  1. Please don't go far-far, you later lost = ojo lungo adoh-adoh, engko ilang...(Aris Suwarso)
  2. I know my love only clap half hand : aku ngerti tresnanku , keploan siji tangan..
  3. Gone back by truck = kunduran trek (Aris Suwarso)
  4. I'll tear you = tak sobek-sobek....
  5. Wind inside= masuk angin.....(M.Fahri Ramadhan)
  6. motherfucker = mbokne jancuk ..
  7. basic stupid= dasar goblok....
  8. your ass=dobol mu...
  9. your eyes only=matamu dewe ...
  10. your eyes blank =moto mu picek ( B'Ella Swan)
  11. Your head asymetric...= endasmu peang (Welli Wilyanto)
  12. Your ball's running away= endhok' mu ucol....
  13. Your teeth falling apart = Untu mu njepat....
  14. It's all just a joke, guys..= urun guyonan rek... (Alex 'rif)
  15. "excuse me new born baby male or female..." = " amit-amit jabang bayi lanang wedhok..."
  16. Eat or not eat we are togather= mangan ora mangan ngumpul ...(Hartono Koko Koko)
  17. Your teeth be destroyed = untumu ambrooollll......(Giza Grazia)
  18. Your kneel abscess = dengkulmu aboh... (Paul TOM)
  19. Silent silent you eye eye me delicious only = diam diam kamu mematamatai saya seenaknyasajahh... (Yorky Budiman)
  20. Dried like cassava alias NGGAPLEKI .....(Rini WDA)
  21. Puppy!!! = kirik!!!, (sing dipisuhi malah merasa imut)... (Rocky Sistarwanto)
  22. Your forehead = bathukmu...
  23. Your teeth got bruise = UNTUMU ABUH! (Gandhi Octaro Vyatranto)
  24. Your teeth got exim = UNTUMU KUDISEN!
  25. Your teeth got wind = UNTUMU MASUK ANGIN!
  26. Your teeth spade seed = UNTUMU MIJI PACUL!
  27. Your knee got out = DENGKULMU MECOTHOT!
  28. Grandpa = MBAHMU!
  29. Your bald = GUNDULMU!
  30. Less teach = KURANG AJAR!
  31. Less sour = KURANG ASEM!
  32. Cucumber = TIMUN! (pisuhan sopan ala adik gw, Pulung)
  33. Mafia hood = BAJINGAN!
  34. Hot ginger tea = BAJIGURRR! (klo gak mau ngomong BAJINGAN hehe)
  35. As a kidfruit I dont follow mix : Sebagai anak buah saya tidak ikut campur (Danu Kuncoro)
  36. Gergaji = Somekind of one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me....(Jane 'Sari Yuliati'
  37. Pradana)
  38. Llittle-little to me, little-little to me, but salary not up-up: dikit-dikit ke saya, dikit-dikit ke saya, tapi
  39. gaji ndak naik-naik.
  40. Eat or not eat, gather: ..mangan-ora-mangan, ngumpul

Ampun nesu-nesu to mbah..mbah...


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